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Thank you for all your hard work, Mark. You worked tirelessly for your district and were a wealth of knowledge and support for my mom and I. Thank you for your service to Sussex County. 🇺🇸🩵💛
Sorry you did not win. I believe all the people that have moved into Lewes and Rehoboth in the past 20 years have been predominately Democrat. Unfortunately...many voters vote their party and have no idea about the candidate. It would be great to turn Delaware Red!
Hi Mark, I thought surely you had won! I thought when I checked on Eric Buckson and then you there was no way. But I was happy for the few that did win as well as the House and Senate.Sussex and Kent used to be GOP all the way when I was involved. Wish I was younger! Tell your dad hello for me. And fight the good fight! Too many Dems here now. Take care. Pat Renault
Re-elect Sussex County Councilman Mark Schaeffer ... See MoreSee Less
Ruby Keeler Schaeffer ... See MoreSee Less
A heartfelt thanks to all of my friends and supporters. Please vote!
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Thank You Bob. I'm looking forward to working harder than ever with you and the Broadkill Beach Preservation Association to reclaim our future!
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Schaeffer has helped Broadkill Beach
As the president of the Broadkill Beach Preservation Association, I have had the opportunity to work with our Sussex County Councilman Mark Schaeffer over the past couple of years. Councilman Schaeffe...